Krystal Kiss Blog — distance
Feeling Lonely in Quarantine? Here’s What You Can do to Feel Better!
activities alone distance feeling isolated lonely meditation positivity quarantine social distance

Feeling Lonely in Quarantine? Here’s What You Can do to Feel Better! All this time spent shuttered in our homes has been a true test of mental health even if you’re an introvert. Not being able to spend birthdays, holidays or just some quality time with our friends and families is really tough! Social isolation has been scientifically proven to have adverse effects on your mental and physical health. In fact, many studies show that too much time by yourself can ultimately have similar effects on your body as smoking, obesity and general lack of physical care do. Learning how...
Overcoming the Challenges of Distance Learning
challenges child distance education family learning parents schools teacher working

As schools all over the country are faced with the challenge of providing distance learning materials for their students, parents have been faced with the challenge of being more involved with their children’s schooling than ever before. There are a lot of other challenges that come with being involved with your child’s education like understanding the material they’re covering, communicating with teachers more frequently and making sure your kids are really benefiting from the distance learning tactics and not just coasting though. As a parent, you have to take some time and figure out how you can best help...
Working from Home With Kids – How to Minimize Distractions
babysitter distance distractions family home kids pets schedule schooling working

There has been so much talk about adapting to a “new normal” since the global pandemic has forced us all out of work and school and forced us into our homes. But it if you’re anything like me, it takes a long time to adapt to a new routine – and it’s even harder when you have to worry about the routines of others (the kids). Almost as quickly as we could blink the world totally changed. Millions of people had to transfer to working from home and at the same time, so did their kids. Well, of course they...